Doula 101


We could go on and on about the benefits of having a doula as a part of your birth team. Don’t just take our word for it! Here are a few articles outlining the ways in which a doula can improve your birth experience.

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Benefits of a Doula

As Published in DONA International

“Doulas help make birth better! They nurture, support and offer expert guidance for families during their pregnancy, birth and the early postpartum time. There is incredible evidence that shows how birth doulas improve outcomes!”

What Is a Doula? And Do You Need One?

As Published in The New York Times

More women are choosing to engage a birth doula. One reason noted by Dr. Neel Shah, M.D., an assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive biology at Harvard Medical School is, “It is important to remember that people have goals other than simply emerging from childbirth unscathed. Safety during labor is the floor of what people deserve. What we should all really be aiming for is the ceiling: care that is not just safe, but also supportive and empowering.”

You Have a Doctor, So Why Get a Doula?

As published on

Notes seven reasons why you might want a doula by your side even when you already have a top M.D. on the case. You might be a first-time, inexperienced mom who wants a little extra TLC; you might have a specific birth plan and want to have extra help carrying it out (especially when you're delirious with pain!)

Continuous Support for Women During Childbirth

Research published by The Cochrane Collection

“Research shows that women value and benefit from the presence of a support person during labour and childbirth. This support may include emotional support…advice about coping techniques, comfort measures…and speaking up when needed on behalf of the woman. Lack of continuous support during childbirth has led to concerns that the experience of labour and birth may have become dehumanised.”

Having a Doula – What are the Benefits?

Published by american pregnancy association

This one is for dads: “The role of the doula is never to take the place of husbands or partners in labor, but rather to complement and enhance their experience. Today, more husbands play an active role in the birth process. However, some partners prefer to enjoy the delivery without having to stand in as the labor coach. By having a doula as a part of the birth team, a father is free to do whatever he chooses. They can encourage the father to use comfort techniques and can step in if he wants a break. Having a doula allows the father to support his partner emotionally during labor and birth and to also enjoy the experience without the added pressure of trying to remember everything he learned in childbirth class!”

Hiring a Birth Doula – A dad’s perspective

Published on Michigan Associates of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine

This dad writes: “We were able to make several requests (with Katie’s [their doula] help) that made labor and delivery more comfortable for Tine, and ultimately helped her achieve a natural birth. It also took a huge weight off of my shoulders. I was able to and offer love and support to my wife without worrying about other details because Katie had them covered. I know hiring a doula might be considered “extra,” but I highly recommend taking that step. It’s well worth it.”

The Benefits of Having a Doula Around for a C-Section

Published on very well family

Robin Elise Weiss, Phd, MPH notes “Your surgeon and assistants are busy doing the surgery. The nurses are preparing the room for the baby. Your husband or partner is awaiting the baby and, if immediate skin-to-skin contact is not available, may soon go to the warmer to greet the baby. Your doula will be at your side.” “Even if your doula is not allowed in the operating room, there are still many things on this list that she can do to help you and your partner both before the baby's birth, the day of your baby's birth, and after.”

Evidence on: Doulas

As Published in Evidence Based Birth

Rebecca Dekker, Phd, RN notes that doulas play an important role in providing labor support via the four pillars of labor support: Physical support, emotional support, informational support and advocacy.

7 Reasons To Hire A Doula If You Plan To Have An Epidural

as published on

“Contrary to what we see on TV and in movies, a mother’s position during birth can have a huge impact on how birth unfolds. There are many benefits to giving birth in a more upright position. After an epidural is placed, your mobility is drastically reduced. A doula can help you work safely with positioning, while you remain in bed. A doula is trained in a range of labour situations, including helping women who have had an epidural and must remain in bed.”

5 Misconceptions About Doulas : And Why You Need One!

as published on abq mom

One myth is a doula will push my partner out of the birthing process and make them feel unnecessary and in the way. “Part of your doula’s job is actually to support both partners and to give your partner the tools to better support you while you are in labor. Partners can sometimes feel helpless watching the mother of their child in pain, and a doula will work to give them tools to be supportive and feel empowered to connect with the process”